Ariadne’s Veil by Ioana Ieronim (online poetry collection)

Contemporary Literature Press, under The University of Bucharest, in conjunction with The British Council, The Romanian Cultural Institute, and The Embassy of the Republic of Ireland, announces the publication of „Ariadne’s Veil”, a poetry collection written in English by Ioana Ieronim: „Less than three months ago, we published a book of fiction written in the Romanian language by Doris Plantus, who teaches at an American university. We are now publishing a book of poetry written in the English language, this time, by the Romanian poet Ioana Ieronim. Although the former was born in America, and the latter in Romania, both writers have similar interests: they are also translators from and into Romanian, having translated for the screen and the stage at some point, and both of them are culturally very active promoting Romanian literature. What is more, Ioana Ieronim was the Romanian cultural attaché in Washington for four years in the 1990’s”.

Ioana Ieronim is now a „freelancer”. She translates poetry into Romanian, she writes poetry in both Romanian and English, she even writes theatre plays. It must be added that she has also translated some of Shakespeare’s plays into Romanian.

This book of 41 poems, all written in English, has something about it that strikes the reader: it is crystal clear.

Ariadne’s Veil has two heroes: Ariadne and Theseus. According to the ancient myth, Ariadne helped Theseus come out alive from the labyrinth. She spun a thread for him to follow. That thread is the poem itself. As for the meaning of the thread, the veil, and the labyrinth — possibly connected to the Romanian city of Râşnov, more than 800 years old, where Ioana Ieronim spent her childhood years —, the reader will find all those things out while reading her poems. They may seem clear, but that is only a first impression. The challenge is to find Daedalus behind Ariadne and Theseus and their thread.

Lidia Vianu

Ioana Ieronim: Ariadne’s Veil , edited by  Lidia Vianu is formally launched on Tuesday 23 July 2013. But it is available for consultation and downloading on receipt of this Press Release, at the following internet address:

Residential scholarship in Vaduz in fall 2013

In co‐operation with TRADUKI, the Ministry for Cultural Affairs of Liechtenstein offers one residential scholarship in Vaduz in fall 2013.
This call is open to writers from Southeast Europe.
By this Writer-in-Residence programme, the Ministry for Cultural Affairs of Liechtenstein aims to enrich the literature scene in Vaduz by hosting contemporary writers from Southeast Europe and presenting these new voices to the audience in Liechtenstein. At the same time, we would like to give writers from Southeast Europe an opportunity to learn the literature as well as cultural and social circumstances in Liechtenstein and establish contacts with publishers, critics and translators in the German speaking area.
Writers-in-residence programme in Liechtenstein is a cooperation between the Ministry of Cultural Affairs of Liechtenstein and the literary network TRADUKI.
The visiting writer uses the time of scholarship to work on her/his current project.
During the stay in Vaduz, the writer in residence will be made fa
miliar with the cultural life of Vaduz, presentations, readings and meetings with publishers, translators and fellow authors
are planned as well.
The scholarship includes the accommodation in a furnished apartment in Vaduz for the duration of four weeks, reimbursement of travel costs, and a grant in the amount of 1200 Euros.
The period of time of the scholarship lasts from October 20th to November 19th, 2013.
Writers from Southeast Europe are invited to apply.
The Application shall
1.curriculum vitae (English or German)
2.full contact address including telephone and e-mail
3. a motivation letter (no more than 2 DIN A4 pages) specifying current literary interests and projects as well as expected benefits/outcomes of the residency
4. the list of the works published
5. a short list of plans for work in Vaduz
The applications will be considered by a jury, consisting of members of the TRADUKI board.
The applications are to be sent by email to:
Deadline for applications is August 31st, 2013

Calendar de poezie> saptamanile 26/31

săptămâna 26
26 iunie
1501 – Cho Shik, învăţat, poet şi om de stat koreean (d. 1572)
1881 – Ya’akov Cohen, poet israelian (d. 1960)
1913 – Aimé Césaire, poet de limbă franceză din Martinica (d. 2008)

Mon eau n’écoute pas
Mon eau chante comme un secret
Mon eau ne chante pas
Mon eau exulte comme un secret
Mon eau travaille
et à travers tout roseau exulte
jusqu’au lait du rire
Mon eau est un petit enfant
Mon eau est un sourd
Mon eau est un géant qui te tient sur la poitrine un lion
O vin
Vaste immense
Par le basilic de ton regard complice et somptueux
(Soleil et eau)http://blog.crdp-


27 iunie
862 – Manikkavacakar sfânt şi poet hindus, unul dintre cei 63 de Nayanari care

au scris poeme sacre între secolul V şi X.

1884 – Gaston Bachelard, poet şi teoretician francez (d. 1962)
1906 – Vernon Watkins, poet galez considerat de Dylan Thomas drept „the most

profound and greatly accomplished Welshman writing poems in English” (d. 1967)
1936 – Lucille Clifton, poetă americană (d. 2010)
1941 – Krzysztof Kieslowski, regizor polonez (d. 1996)

28 iunie
1503 – Giovanni della Casa, poet florentin (d. 1556)

O dolce selva solitaria, amica
de’ miei pensieri sbigottiti e stanchi,
mentre Borea ne’ dì torbidi e manchi
d’orrido giel l’aere e la terra implica,
5 e la tua verde chioma ombrosa, antica,
come la mia, par d’ognintorno imbianchi,
or, che ’nvece di fior vermigli e bianchi
ha neve e ghiaccio ogni tua piaggia aprica,
a questa breve e nubilosa luce
10 vo ripensando che m’avanza, e ghiaccio
gli spirti anch’io sento e le membra farsi;
ma più di te dentro e d’intorno agghiaccio,
ché più crudo Euro a me mio verno adduce,
più lunga notte e dì più freddi e scarsi.
(O dolce selva)

1977 – Harun Tekin, muzician şi poet turc, fondator al trupei rock Mor ve Ötesi

29 iunie
1798 – Giacomo Leopardi, poet italian (d. 1837)
Perchè le nostre genti
Pace sotto le bianche ali raccolga,
Non fien da’ lacci sciolte
Dell’antico sopor l’itale menti
S’ai patrii esempi della prisca etade
Questa terra fatal non si rivolga.
O Italia, a cor ti stia
Far ai passati onor; che d’altrettali
Oggi vedove son le tue contrade,
Nè v’è chi d’onorar ti si convegna.
(din Sopra il monumento di Dante)

1900 – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, scriitor francez (d. 1944)

1922 – Vasko Popa, poet sârb de etnie română (d. 1991)
Faţa de masă se ntinde
la nesfârşit

Umbră a scobitoarei urmăreşte
Sângeriile urme ale paharelor

Soarele îmbracă oscioarele
Într-o nouă carne de aur

Abundenţa se caţără
Pe ameţitoare firimituri

Şiraguri ale somnolenţei
Au străpuns coaja albă

(Pe masă)

30 iunie
1911 – Czesław Miłosz, poet polonez distins cu premiul Nobel în 1980 (d. 2004)

1939 – José Emilio Pacheco, poet mexican
Una gota de lluvia temblaba en la enredadera.

Toda la noche estaba en esa humedad sombría

que de repente

iluminó la luna.
(Gota de lluvia) de lluvia

1 iulie
1822 – Nguyen Dinh Chieu, poet vietnamez (d. 1888)
1885 – Dorothea Mackellar, poetă australiană (d. 1968)

2 iulie
1724 – Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock, poet german iniţiator al poeziei trăirilor

interioare introducând deopotrivă hexametrul antic dar dezvoltând şi rimurile

libere (d. 1803)
1923 – Wisława Szymborska, poetă poloneză (d. 2012)

Săptămâna 27
3 iulie

1683 – Edward Young, poet englez (d. 1765) celebru mai ales pentru poemul său

Night Thoughts ilustrat de William Blake

4 iulie
1715 – Christian Fürchtegott Gellert, poet german ale cărui poezii împletesc

moralismul cu umorul (d. 1769)

5 iulie
1891 – Tin Ujević, poet croat (d. 1955)
1904 – Abai Kunanbaev, poet kazah (n. 1845)

6 iulie
1859 – Verner von Heidenstam, poet şi prozator suedez, laureat al Premiului

Nobel (d. 1940)
1878 – Eino Leino, poet finlandez, primul traducător în finlandeză al poeziei

lui Dante (d. 1926)
1907 – Frida Kahlo, pictoriţă mexicană (d. 1954)

7 iulie
1893 – Miroslav Krleža, prozator, poet şi dramaturg croat (d. 1981)

8 iulie
1892 – Richard Aldington, poet englez, unul dintre cei pentru care Ezra Pound a

folosit termenul imagist în 1912 (d. 1962)
1933 – Peter Orlovsky, poet şi activist american (d. 2010)
1942 – Şerban Foarţă, poet şi traducător român
Venea olanda din Olanda,
venea casmirul din Casmir;
ca ni s-a ofilit ghirlanda
cuvinte nu am, sa ma mir;
am mai dansat o arleziana,
a mai cazut un batalion;
sclipea, -n Artois, o arteziana
si-o baioneta, la Bayonne.
(din Balada baionetei din Bayonne) http://www.versuri-si-


9 iulie
1721 – Johann Nikolaus Götz, poet german (d. 1781)
1834 – Jan Neruda, poet ceh (d. 1891)

Săptămâna 28
10 iulie

1856 – Nikola Tesla, fizician şi inventator american de origine sârbă (d. 1943)
1871 – Marcel Proust, scriitor francez (d. 1922)
1888 – Giorgio de Chirico, pictor italian (d. 1978)
1895 – Carl Orff, compozitor şi dirijor german (d. 1982)
1902 – Nicolás Guillén, poet cubanez (d. 1989)
1913 – Salvador Espriu, poet catalan (d. 1985)

11 iulie
1561 – Luis de Góngora, poet spaniol (d. 1627)

12 iulie
1468 – Juan del Encina, poet, compozitor şi dramaturg spaniol (d. 1530)
1868 – Stefan George, poet german (d. 1933)
Din vârfuri fulgi de rază pe noi pică
Şi doar privim şi prindem în răstimpuri
Rodite poame surd izbind pământul.
(traducere Ion Pillat)

1876- Max Jacob, poet francez (d. 1944)

1904 – Pablo Neruda, poet chilian(d. 1973)

13 iulie
1793 – John Clare, poet romantic englez (d. 1864)

14 iulie
1454 – Poliziano, poet italian (d. 1494)
1743 – Gavrila Romanovich Derzhavin, poet clasic rus, unul dintre cei mai influenţi autori de până la Puşkin (d. 1816)
1862 – Gustav Klimt, pictor austriac (d. 1918)
1893 – Garimella Satyanarayana, poet şi patriot indian (d.1952)
1911 – Pavel Prudnikau, poet din Belarus (d. 2000)
1918 – Ingmar Bergman, regizor suedez (d. 2007)

15 iulie
1606 – Rembrandt van Rijn, pictor olandez (d. 1669)
1892 – Walter Benjamin, scriitor şi critic literar german (d. 1940)
1913 – Abraham Sutzkever, poet din Belarus stabilit în Israel(d. 2010)

1930 – Jacques Derrida, filosof francez (d. 2004)

1966 – Dimitris P. Kraniotis, poet grec

16 iulie
1872 – Dimitrie Anghel, scriitor român (d. 1914)
1943 – Reinaldo Arenas, poet cubanez (d. 1990)
1955 – Susan Wheeler, poetă americană

Susan Wheeler reads at the 2012 National Book Awards Finalists Reading from National Book Foundation on Vimeo.

Săptămâna 29
17 iulie
1901 – Bruno Jasieński, poet polonez, lider al futurismului polonez. S-a numărat printre cei 111.091 de polonezi condamnaţi la moarte în 1937/38 în Uniunea Sovietică, după ce protectorul său, şeful NKVD a fost înlăturat de la putere de Stalin (d. 1938)

18 iulie
1933 – Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Russian poet

1977 – Alfian Sa’at, poet şi dramaturg din Singapore, considerat „copilul teribil” al literaturii contemporane.

19 iulie
1893 – Vladimir Maiakovski, poet rus (d. 1930)

1954 – Elena Ştefoi, poetă, publicistă şi diplomată româncă

20 iulie
1304 – Petrarca, poet italian (d. 1374)
1620 – Nikolaes Heinsius cel Bătrân, poet şi savant olandez (d. 1681)

21 iulie
1664 – Matthew Prior, poet şi diplomat englez (d. 1721)
1821 – Vasile Alecsandri, poet, dramaturg, politician român (d. 1890)
1899 – Hart Crane, poet american (d. 1932)

22 iulie
1849 – Emma Lazarus, poetă americană cunoscută mai ales pentru sonetul „The New Colossus” imprimat pe postamentul Statuii Libertăţii (d. 1887)
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
„Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. „Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
(„The New Colossus”)
1945 – Daniel Turcea, poet român (d. 1979)

dar sufletul?

aproape, departe
în noapte

(Poveste de iarnă)

1895 – León de Greiff, poet columbian cunoscut pentru limbajul obscur (d. 1976)

23 iulie
1913 – Gherasim Luca, poet şi prozator român stabilit în Franţa enumerat de Deleuze printre cei mai importanţi poeţi ai secolului XX (d. 1994)
celebra lectura completa (56 min)

Săptămâna 30
24 iulie

1867 – Vicente Acosta, Salvadoran poet (d. 1908)
1895 – Robert Graves, poet şi scriitor britanic (d. 1985)

25 iulie
1683 – Pieter Langendijk, poet şi dramaturg olandez (d. 1756)

26 iulie
1875 – Antonio Machado, poet spaniol (d. 1939)
1928 – Ibn-e-Safi, poet pakistanez (d. 1980)
1939 – Cezar Baltag, poet român (d. 1997)
1939 – Jun Henmi, poetă japoneză

27 iulie
1777 – Thomas Campbell, poet scoţian (d. 1844)
1784 – Denis Davydov, general şi poet rus, inventator al genului „husar” de poezie (d. 1839)
1835 – Giosuè Carducci, poet italian, laureat al premiului Nobel (d. 1907)
1939 – Michael Longley, poet irlandez
1946 – Peter Reading, poet bitanic (d. 2011)

28 iulie
1844 – Gerard Manley Hopkins, poet englez, una dintre cele mai influente personalităţi victoriene, inovator al prozodiei într-o epocă în care versul tradiţional era o regulă (d. 1889)
Glory be to God for dappled things –
For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow;
For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim;
Fresh-firecoal chestnut-falls; finches’ wings;
Landscape plotted and pieced – fold, fallow, and plough;
And áll trádes, their gear and tackle and trim.

All things counter, original, spare, strange;
Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?)
With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim;
He fathers-forth whose beauty is past change:
Praise him.
(from Pied Beauty)

1927 – John Ashbery, poet american

1950 – Shahyar Ghanbari, poet şi interpret pop iranian

29 iulie
1605 – Simon Dach, poet german, autor de imnuri (d. 1659)
1883 – Porfirio Barba-Jacob, poet columbian (d. 1942)
1929 – Jean Baudrillard, sociolog şi critic literar francez (d. 2007)

1905 – Stanley Kunitz, poet american (d. 2006)
1927 – Harry Mulisch, poet, romancier şi dramaturg olandez (d. 2010)

30 iulie
1763 – Samuel Rogers, poet englez celebrat în timpul vieţii, dar intrat postum în umbra contemporanilor săi romantici (d. 1855)

Săptămâna 31
31 iulie
1843 – Peter Rosegger, poet austriac (d. 1918)

1 august
1819 – Herman Melville, scriitor american (d. 1891)
1915 – Gellu Naum, scriitor român (d. 2001)

1950 – Jim Carroll, American poet şi actor american (d. 2009)

2 august
1867 – Ernest Dowson, poet englez asociat decadentismului (d. 1900)
1914 – Félix Leclerc, muzician, actor şi poet canadian de limbă franceză (d. 1988)

3 august
1886 – Maithili Sharan Gupt, poet indian (d. 1964)
1887 – Rupert Brooke, poet englez (d. 1915)

4 august
1792 – Percy Bysshe Shelley, poet englez (d. 1822)
1884 – Béla Balázs, âcritic şi poet maghiar (d. 1949)
1944 – Amjad Islam Amjad, poet pakistanez

5 august
1813 – Ivar Aasen, poet norvegian (d. 1896)
1946 – Ron Silliman, poet şi critic american

6 august
1809 – Alfred, Lord Tennyson, poet englez (d. 1892)
1868 – Paul Claudel, poet, dramaturg şi eseist francez (d. 1955)
1928 – Andy Warhol, grafician şi pictor american (d. 1987)
1941 – Cezar Ivănescu, poet român (d. 2008)