Three Poetry Readings with Relational Edge in New York

1. Sun. November 03, 2013

7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

KGB Bar 85 East 4th St NYC 10003

The KGB Bar Sunday Night Fiction showcases the finest in contemporary fiction from new and emerging writers.

Ledig House Readers:
Cheryl Lu-Lien Tan (US/Singapore, Nonfiction/Fiction) Cheryl is the New York City-based author of A Tiger in the Kitchen: A Memoir of Food and Family (Hyperion, 2011). A native of Singapore, she is working on her second book, a novel, and is the editor of Singapore Noir, a fiction anthology published by Akashic. She was a staff writer at The Wall Street Journal, In Style and the Baltimore Sun; her work has also appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post and Food & Wine among other publications. The National Arts Council of Singapore awarded her major grants in support of her books in 2011 and 2012. She has been an artist in residence at Yaddo, the Djerassi Resident Artists Program, the Studios of Key West and the Ragdale Foundation.

Bill Goldstein (US, Nonfiction) Bill is the former founding editor of the books site of The New York Times; he reviews books and interviews authors for Weekend Today in New York on NBC. He is working on a book, The World Broke in Two: A Literary Chronicle of 1922, focusing on the intertwined lives and works of T. S. Eliot, E. M. Forster, D. H. Lawrence and Virginia Woolf, to be published by Henry Holt. He also teaches 17th Century English Literature at Hunter College and in 2010 completed his Ph.D. in English at City University of New York Graduate Center, writing a dissertation on Milton.

Albert Forns (Catalonia, Nonfiction/Fiction) Albert began with writing blogs, which eventually became poems included in his books Busco L que em gemini and Ultracolors, the latter is heavily influenced by contemporary artists such as Walter de Maria, Eva Hesse and Richard Serra. Albert has also written a novel, Albert Serra (la novel·la, no el cineasta), which was critically acclaimed for its mixture of reality and fiction, essay and new journalism, all working to create an adventure built around the Catalan filmmaker Albert Serra.

Fredy Gareis (Germany, Nonfiction) Fredy was born in Almaty, Kazakhstan, and moved to Germany at an early age. He holds a degree in American History & Literature and went to Journalism School in Munich. As a freelance reporter he has covered stories behind the news; his work has appeared in Tagesspiegel, Die Zeit, Stern, Globalpost and Deutschlandradio. Most recently he spent five months as writer-in-residence in Slovenia and two years as a correspondent in Israel and the Middle East. Fredy is working on a book about his 5000 kilometer long journey by bicycle from Tel Aviv to Berlin.

Elias Wagner (Germany, Fiction) Elias was born and lives in Munich. He studied medicine and is the author of the novel Vom Liebesleben der Mondvögel, which was published in 2012. He is currently working on a new novel.

Anja Majnarić (Croatia, Translation) Anja is a literary translator born and living in Zagreb. She translates from English and Norwegian into Croatian working on books by authors such as Stephen King, Neil Gaiman, Kjell Ola Dahl and, currently, Jens Bjørneboe. She also works with the Croatian Radio (HR3), translating material for their arts & culture program.

Răzvan Ţupa (Romania/Poetry) Răzvan has published three books of poetry and researches “relational poetry” for According to Martin Woodside, he is one of the important Romanian poets who is “well-traveled, entrenched in Romanian literary tradition, and equally immersed in the poetries (and pop cultures) of Europe, the United States and beyond.” He has produced more than 150 poetry events in Bucharest. He has also read poetry at events in Paris, Rome, Prague, New York, Stockholm, Tel Aviv, and Berlin.

Tadeusz Dąbrowski (Poland, Poetry/Nonfiction) Tadeusz is the editor of the literary bimonthly Topos. He is the winner of numerous awards, including the Kościelski Prize, the Hubert Burda Prize and the Prize of the Foundation for Polish Culture. He has been nominated for NIKE, the most important Polish literary award. Tadeusz is the author of six volumes of poetry: Wypieki, e-mail, mazurek, Te Deum, Czarny kwadrat, and Pomiędzy. Zephyr Press released a collection of his poetry in English entitled Black Square. He lives in Gdańsk on the Baltic coast of Poland. His work has been translated into 20 languages.

2. Mon, 04 November 2013 // 09:00 PM

Bowery Poetry, 308 Bowery, NYC

An Evening of Poetry with Răzvan Ţupa 

Răzvan Ţupa (born in 1975) is a Romanian poet from Bucharest. He studied History of Religions and Culture and works as a journalist. Between 2005 and 2007 he was in charge with a new poetry magazine, Versus-Verso. Since 2006 he has been Editor en chief for Cuvantul, magazine but for the end of 2008 he leaves the Romanian cultural press. Since 1996 performes poetry in different places in Bucharest. He read poetry at events in Paris, Rome, Prague, New York, Stockholm, Tel Aviv, Budapest and Berlin (2006-2012).


His first collection of poetry was “Fetish” in 2001, awarded ex aequo the “Mihai Eminescu” National Award for first book of Poetry. He published “Romanian bodies” a second book of poetry, in 2005, and “poetic. the Sky in Delft and other Romanian Bodies” in 2011. His poems were selected for “No Longer Poetry- New Romanian Poetry”, an anthology published in UK(2005) and “The Vanishing Point that Whistles” an anthology of Romanian poetry released in United States (2012).


Sponsored by the Romanian Cultural Institute in New York

3. Tue, November 5th, 7pm

 RCINY Auditorium Poetry in Progress

Green Hours, spectacolul complet

Potrivit unui comunicat, luni, 4 noiembrie, de la ora 18, in premiera in cadrul Festivalului National de Teatru Independent (FNTI) dramAcum si Teatrul LUNI de la Green Hours prezinta spectacolul site-specific serial Green Hours! in integralitatea lui. Proiectul initiat de regizorul Andreea Valean si dramaturgul Peca Stefan, celebreaza fenomenul socio-cultural nascut in 1994 la adresa din Calea Victoriei 120, fiind dedicat spatiului-emblema al teatrului si al muzicii independente din Bucuresti, Green Hours jazz-cafe. Spectacolul cuprinde piese inspirate de – si create special pentru – acest spatiu, reunind o serie impresionanta de actori, muzicieni si alti artisti apropiati „zonei GREEN” intr-un act artistic singular in peisajul independent, atat ca proportii cat si ca modalitate de desfasurare.

Distributia reuneste actori si muzicieni importanti din peisajul independent din Bucuresti, dar nu numai. Cei care vor veni luni la Green Hours ii vor putea vedea, in aceeasi seara, pe Virgil Aioanei, Razvan Alexe (aka Krem), Catalin Babliuc, Laurentiu Banescu, Mihai Calin, Constantin Cojocaru, Emilia Dobrin,  Cristina Draghici, Andreea Duta, Ionut Grama, Radu Iacoban, Rodica Lazar, Nicoleta Lefter, Conrad Mericoffer, Katia Pascariu, Alexandru Potocean, Gabriel Spahiu, Ana Ularu, Letitia Vladescu. Muzicienii invitati ai serii vor fi Mandela Gajol si Mihai Iordache.

Regizorul proiectului este Andreea Valean, iar coregrafia este semnata de Andreea Duta. Dramaturgul invitat al proiectului este Maria Manolescu. Dan Perjovschi semneaza desenele, Cinty Ionescu video designul, iar KREM versurile aditionale din piesa The Green L.P.

In cadrul FNTI, spectacolul va fi prezentat in integralitate, cu doua pauze, fiind singurul spectacol de teatru independent care reuneste peste 25 de artisti si dureaza trei ore si jumatate. Accesul la spectacol se va face incepand cu ora 17.30. Spectatorii isi pot cumpara bilete pentru fiecare parte a spectacolului, biletele fiind de 20 lei/parte.

Nu se fumeaza in timpul reprezentatiei! Rezervarile se fac la:; 0788 452 485 (L-V: 11-18).

festivalul national de teatru INDEPENDENT (4-10 noiembrie, Bucuresti) este primul festival de teatru din Romania ce reuneste artisti si companii de teatru independent din intreaga tara in spatii culturale independente sau necoventionale. Mai multe:

Un poet lanseaza un roman

Editura Cartea Romaneasca anunta pentru vineri, 1 noiembrie, de la ora 18.00, la Libraria Bastilia (Piata Romana nr. 5), din Bucuresti, va avea loc lansarea romanului Urma, de Adrian Alui Gheorghe, disponibil si in editie digitala. Actorul Vasile Muraru va citi un fragment din romanul UrmaUrma nu este cartea unui poet convertit la proza, ci e un roman scris dupa toate regulile genului.

Subiectul e provocator: in inchisoarea de la Aiud, in anii ’60, apar urme suspecte pe zapada dintre pavilioanele intesate cu „politici”. „Se declanseaza o ancheta. Marturiile sint halucinante: sotia unui detinut – desigur, e vrajitoare – isi poseda cu patima sotul, noaptea, in celula, calugarul Daniil, mort cu un an in urma, si Maica Domnului vin sa aline suferintele „banditilor”. Ancheta se impotmoleste, amenintarile curg de la Centru. Trebuie gasit vinovatul si cum cazul depaseste granitele realitatii, acesta nu poate fi decit magicianul care preface apa in vodca, descuie orice usa, smulge cu puterea gindului hainele gardienilor: detinutul Gurii Lovin. Din acest moment, lucrurile scapa de sub control, comandantul isi pierde mintile, iar finalul devine un nou inceput” se arata intr-un comunicat al editurii.

 Adrian Alui Gheorghe marturisea: „Am scris Urma dintr-o respiratie, in trei, patru saptamini, dupa ce am purtat in minte subiectul vreo doi ani. E o poveste care intra in intimitatea teribilei inchisori de la Aiud, in anul 1960, un an de virf al torturii din perioada comunista. Paradoxal, drama aluneca in comedie, risul amar incearca sa exorcizeze acea lume demonizata.”

 Adrian Alui Gheorghe s-a nascut la 6 iulie 1958, in Grumazesti, jud. Neamt. Absolvent al Facultatii de Filologie din cadrul Universitatii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iasi, specializarea Limba romana-Limba latina; Doctor in Filologie din anul 2004 cu teza Tinerete fara batrinete si sentimentul tragic al timpului (Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iasi); Meritul Cultural in grad de Ofiter, grad A, in anul 2010; Cetatean de onoare al municipiului Piatra Neamt din anul 2005. Membru al Uniunii Scriitorilor din Romania.