Cel mai rapid roman din lume e omologat/FASTEST TIME TO PRODUCE A NOVEL BY A TEAM it’s official

E oficial, cel,maimrapid roman din lume a fost omologat. „9 ore, 5 minute si 8 secunde a durat scrierea romanului , rezultatul unei colaborari intre 53 de scriitori si universitari (toti romani)” sau asa ceva spune guiness world records. Mai jos sunt citatele originale si link-ul pt anuntul oficial.

It’s official
The fastest time to produce a novel by a team of writers is 9 hours 5 minutes 8 seconds for „Moş Crăciun & Co” (Santa Claus & Co.), a collaborative book by 53 professional authors and academics (all Romania). The project was developed by Asociaţia Culturală Aedificatio together with Editura Art publishing house and the support of the Universitatea Bucureşti (all Romania). The collaborative effort took place at the “Spiru Haret” lecture theatre, University of Bucharest, Romania, on 15 December 2012.

The 53 authors are: Leonard Ancuţa, Diana Bădică, Lavinia Bălulescu, Lavinia Branişte, Anca Bucur, Marius Chivu, Laurenţiu Constantin, Bogdan Coşa, Andrei Crăciun, Augustin Cupşa, Silviu Dancu, Gabriel H. Decuble, Adrian Diniş, Luca Dinulescu, Cosmin Dragomir, Gruia Dragomir, Florin Dumitrescu, M. Duţescu, Mihail Gălăţanu, Adrian Georgescu, Silviu Gherman, Adela Greceanu, Mugur Grosu, Ioan Groşan, Florin Iaru, Marieva Ionescu, Cristina Ispas, Cosmin Manolache, Maria Manolescu, Eusebiu Matei, Marin Mălaicu-Hondrari, Mitoş Micleuşanu, Iulia Militaru, Dmitri Miticov, Oana-Cătălina Ninu, Radu Niţescu, Veronica Plăcintescu, Dan Pleşa, Matei Pleşu, Mihai Radu, Ana Maria Sandu, Elena Stancu, Bogdan-Alexandru Stănescu, Alexandru Al. Şahighian, Livia Ştefan, Cecilia Ştefănescu, Silvia T., Simona Tache, Iulian Tănase, Alex Tocilescu, Răzvan Ţupa, Luiza Vasiliu, Anca Vieru. The extent of the book is 288 pages, with a total word count of 56,541. The plot, set during Christmas in Romania, was developed by narrators Gabriel H. Decuble, Florin Iaru, Răzvan Ţupa and Marius Chivu. The record attempt began at 10:20 a.m. with the conception of the original plot and characters. The developing and writing of the novel took 5 hours 35 minutes in total, after which the book was edited, proof-read and printed. The first finished copy was ready at 7:25 p.m. and the timer stopped. The book went on to have an initial print run of 1,000 copies, of which 380 copies were sold as of 31 May 2013, with the reminder of the stock shipped to the various retail outlets as of the date of the record verification. The book’s ISBN is 978-973-124-858-5 and the cover price is 25 lei (£4.50; €5.50).


Record: 9 hr, 5 min, 8 sec

Holder: Asociaţia Culturală Aedificatio, with Editura Art, and the Universitatea Bucureşti (all Romania)

Location: Spiru Haret lecture theatre, University of Bucharest, Romania

That’s not all: No, the group above isn’t playing a giant Free Cell tournament. It’s a portion of the team of 53 collaborators, who created the novel „Moş Crăciun & Co” (Santa Claus & Co.), totaling 288 pages and 56,541 words. To qualify, the book needed to be completely original material and bound by a commercial printer upon completion, with a print run of at least 500 copies

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