With Joyce, Language and Literature are one! says the press release.
Contemporary Literature Press wishes to point out by this publication that Finnegans Wakeis, in more ways than one, the last great book that civilization has produced and published just before the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939.
Having foreseen that in the after-war years the Image would gradually replace the Word, James Joyce focuses both on the Word as word in language studies, and on the Word as word in pure literature.
In the series Joyce Lexicography, having dealt with Romania and Germany and Scandinavia from the strictly linguistic point of view, it is now high time to turn to the literature side, and embark upon what we should call Literary Lexicography.
When Joyce deals with Allusion, the whole of European literature is mentioned there: not only do we meet Shakespeare in plenty, but we also meet Cervantes and Rabelais, and we also meet Lewis Carroll, and especially, and above all, the great Dante and his Divine Comedy — the book that was not only constant reading material for James Joyce, but also for his two best friends, Ezra Pound and T.S. Eliot.
This book is meant to provide circumstantial evidence that with James Joyce the essence and substance of Weltliteratur is as important as all the words of all the European languages taken together, including the Bible and Dickens. All the names and motifs that you are sure to find in Joyce are properly mentioned in this book.
We wish you Happy Reading of James Joyce and all the books that he read himself, and warmly invites you to read in your turn. He tells us never to forget that Language and Literature are one.
Please click on the link below and choose „Save file” to download the book in .pdf format
C. George Sandulescu: A Lexicon of Allusions and Motifs in Finnegans Wake
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