27 Orchard St., New York, New York 10002
Angelo Nikolopoulos’ first book of poems is Obscenely Yours, winner of the 2011 Kinereth Gensler Award (Alice James Books 2013). His poems have appeared in Best American Poetry 2012, Best New Poets 2011, Boston Review, Fence, The Los Angeles Review, The New York Quarterly, Tin House, and elsewhere. He is a winner of the 2011 „Discovery” / Boston Review Poetry Contest and the founder of the White Swallow Reading Series in Manhattan. He teaches at Rutgers University, New Brunswick and lives in New York City.
Andras Gerevich was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1976. He is just finishing his fourth book of poems in his native Hungarian, due out this fall. A book of his poetry in English translation, Tiresias’s Confession, came out in 2008. He has also published widely in journals and his work is translated into over a dozen languages. He has been a guest at a number of international literary and poetry festivals, and several artists’ residencies, including the legendary Yaddo in New York and the Akademie Solitude in Germany. Besides writing poetry Gerevich scripted several prize-winning short animations produced in the UK, and his plays were performed in Budapest and read in London. He also published essays and stories, and translated a number of English-speaking poets into Hungarian, including Seamus Heaney and Frank O’Hara, and a book by the filmmaker David Lynch. He was editor for two literary journals: Kalligram in Budapest and Chroma in London, an assistant producer for the radio program Poetry by Post for the BBC World Sevice, and was also the President of the József Attila Kör, the Hungarian young writers’ association from 2006 for a three year term.