Arhive etichete: Alina Bușe

Free online paralell texts: Liviu Ioan Stoiciu – Born in Romania / Născut în România

Press Release Bucharest, Monday 30 June 2014
Online Publication
Contemporary Literature Press,
under The University of Bucharest, in conjunction with The British Council, The Romanian Cultural Institute, and The Embassy of Ireland,

Announces the publication of

Liviu Ioan Stoiciu
Born in Romania
Născut în România
Parallel Texts

Edited by Lidia Vianu
Translated into English by Leah Fritz and Alina Bușe
Illustrated by Cristina Ioana Young
ISBN 978-606-8592-52-7

We are publishing now, in the year 2014, 25 years after the fall of communism, and 24 years after what we call „Piața Universității”, an anthology of poems by Liviu Stoiciu, a poet who was not fooled by any of the traps history set him. .

The poet allowed the Publishing House to choose a title for this book. We have chosen, from one of his lines, Born in Romania. The reason is in the poems, which we hope our readers will decode.

The book was first translated by Ioana Bușe, a former student of the MA Programme for the Translation of the Literary Text, and, then, the remarkable American-born poet Leah Fritz worked on it for two full years. We all knew translating a Romanian poet, and especially translating Liviu Ioan Stoiciu, would be a hard nut to crack. Once again, we do hope our readers will read his poems and understand why.

Born in Romania / Născut în România. Parallel Texts, by Liviu Ioan Stoiciu is formally launched on Monday 30 June 2014. The volume is available for consultation and downloading on receipt of this Press Release, at the following internet address:

You are kindly invited to visit the Contemporary Literature Press website at For comments or suggestions, please contact the publisher Citește în continuare Free online paralell texts: Liviu Ioan Stoiciu – Born in Romania / Născut în România