Tramvaiul 26 vă așteaptă joi, 21 martie, începând cu orele 20:00 și până la venirea dimineții, la o noapte albă a poeților. Veți avea ocazia să-i ascultați pe: Adrian Diniș, Aida Hancer, Anca Bucur, Claudiu Komartin, Andra Rotaru, Ciprian Măceșaru, Cristian Cotarcea, Dmitri Miticov, Gabriel Daliș, George Floarea, Laura Dan, Livia Ștefan, Marius Surleac, Mugur Grosu, Oana Cătălina Ninu, Radu Nițescu, Răzvan Țupa, Vlad Tăușance și mulți alții.
Lista rămâne deschisă până miercuri, 20 martie, când o vom completa pe măsură ce vor fi confirmate invitațiile pe care deja le-am trimis.
De asemenea, îl vom avea ca invitat special pe poetul și artistul vizual Gene Tanta, din USA.
Spectatorii se vor bucura și de un moment muzical surpriză. Intrarea este liberă.
Gene Tanta was born in Timisoara, Romania and lived there until 1984, when his family immigrated to the United States. Since then, he has lived in DeKalb, Iowa City, New York, Oaxaca City, Iasi, Milwaukee, and Chicago. He is a poet, visual artist, and translator of contemporary Romanian poetry. His first poetry book is called Unusual Woods (BlazeVOX, 2010). His second poetry book is called Pastoral Emergency and it is in search of a brave publisher who isn’t afraid of a little content to go with formal experiment.
Tanta earned his MFA in Poetry from the Iowa’s Writers’ Workshop in 2000 and his PhD in English from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in 2009 with literary specialization in twentieth-century American poetry and the European avant-garde. His poems, translations, and artwork work may be found in journals such as: EPOCH, Ploughshares, Circumference Magazine, Cream City Review, Exquisite Corpse, Watchword, Columbia Poetry Review, The Laurel Review, and Drunken Boat. Tanta has had two collaborative poems with Reginald Shepherd anthologized in Saints of Hysteria: A Half-Century of Collaborative American Poetry. Most recently, he has chaired a panel at the 2010 AWP titled, Immigrant Poetry: Aesthetics of Displacement. Currently, he is teaching creative writing while working on a collection of short prose. (un afis de Ana Toma)